Here is a copy of the Ireland Wood Little Things homework and the maths grid. We have also attached a copy of the timetable that the children who are in school will be following should you wish to use it at home. We look forward to seeing you each day at 9:15 for our live English and at 1:30 for our live maths.
Here are the Early Bird Maths and the spellings for this week. There are two different spelling sheets. The email that was sent to parents said whether you should practice the Spartans or Athenians sheet. Please email us if you are unsure.
Here are all the sheets and a powerpoint that you will need for today's lessons. Here is a link to the video in case you can't access the lesson directly or if you want to watch it again.
Good morning Year 5! For your maths today, we have set some tasks on Mathletics. We have also set up a 5G vs 5P tournament on TT Rockstars! Make sure you sign in and get some points for your class! See you on Monday :)