Teachers: Miss Virk (4-Badgers) & Mrs Storr (4-Otters)
Other adults who work in Year 4:
Otters: Mrs Foxton, Miss Yim, Mrs Donell, Mrs Zeb
Badgers: Mr Monte, Ms Goldup, Mrs Harman, Miss Wray-Glover
Homework: Across school we encourage children to read at least 3 times a week at home.
Spellings- Spellings will go on Spelling Shed on a Wednesday at 9am every Wednesday and be tested the following week.
Maths- A maths homework sheet will go out on Friday, to be handed in by Tuesday.
Topic- The #IWPS little things homework sheet at the front of your child's homework book is an extra opportunity for you to create fantastic work at home. This is not compulsory, however the work will receive praise and team points for completion.
PE Days:
Otters: Monday and Friday (swimming)
Badgers: Tuesday and Friday (swimming)
Themes for the year:
Autumn term: The Mayans
Spring term: Exploring Europe
Summer term: The Romans