The focus for 2021-22 will be CLIMATE CHANGE.
The International School Council have been given a copy of Greta Thunberg's book
'No one is too small to make a difference' to help ignite conversations at our meetings.
Catherine, one of our parent governors, applied for our school to receive 10 copies of this text. We are very thankful to her and the Big Green Bookshop.
Melissa Harrison (author) and the Big Green Bookshop, started this Crowdfunder, with the idea of trying to raise money to supply 100 schools with 10 copies each. This was very successful they've been able to supply over 800 schools in the UK.
Ewden Water Treatment WorksThe International School Council chose WATER as their project focus and visited a Water Treatment Works in Sheffield.
Ewden Water Treatment Works Global Warming vlogHere are the rest of our Global Warming video tips! Please do what you can to save energy - and who knows, you might end up saving a bit of money too!
International School Council Global Warming Vlog!This year the International School COuncil have been doing some work on Global Warming.
We decided to put together a series of mini vlogs to give you advice about all the small things you can do that will make a BIG difference to the world!
Refugee Day at Ralph ThoresbyThe members of the International School Council from Adel, Adel St John, Iveson and Ireland Wood all got together for an activity day. They imagined that they had just started a new school after arriving in the UK as a refugee.
The children explored what it would be like not to understand the language, created a drama about their journey, discussed what they would take and even made a temporary home.
At the end of the day, we sang 'Everybody belongs' and watched our film 'Leeds welcomes refugees'.
Thanks to RTHS for hosting this special day.
Fairtrade celebration at Leeds Civic Hall International School Council Filming DayThe children from ESNW cluster in LS16 made a film to show migrants what a day in school is like.
They had a great day working together.
Adel, Adel St John, Iveson and Cookridge joined us here at Ireland Wood to film.
ESNW Cluster film entry - Agents of ChangeThe cluster primary school have worked together to produce and entry for Leeds DEC 'Agents of Change' film competition. The children chose inspirational role models to base the film on and they also shared key ideas about teamwork, partnerships and their commitment to international work. Meeting the Lord MayorIsobel, Cameron and Joshua were chosen to meet the Lord Mayor of Leeds. They met outside the Civic Hall
to help launch a Fairtrade Birthday card competition across Leeds.
Have a look at the DEC for more information.
Fairtrade celebrationInternational School Council representatives Kai, Caitlin, Bayleigh and Amelia attended Leeds' 10th Fairtrade birthday party at the Civic Hall.
It was a great afternoon with lots of guests including the Lord Mayor and Greg Mullholland MP.
Aimeth, a banana farmer from Columbia also attended promoting the campaign to 'STICK WITH FONCHO'.
The children led a 'Fairtrade Senses' game where people had to identify different Fairtrade products. This proved a very popular activity. Well done children!
International School Award
Ireland Wood Primary School has been re-accredited with the International School Award 2013 - 2016.
International School award letterPlease read more about this exciting award. The children should be very proud of all the excellent international work.
International School Council 2013/14These children were elected as class representatives. They meet with Miss Lansdowne twice a half term to discuss global issues.
Cluster International School Council - Community of languagesWe all found out how many different languages were spoken in our schools.
Ireland Wood found there to be 16!
Each International School Council are now working on a display in their own schools.
Cluster International School Council meetingsOnce a half term, they have a cluster with the International School Councils from Iveson, Cookridge, Holy Name Primary.
Al Ain, UAE
We are connected to an International School in the United Arab Emirates (UAE).
Miss Wood (who taught at Ireland Wood for 3 years) now teaches and lives in Al Ain.
We look forward to hearing all about her new adventures.
We are now linked with Char Nun Khawa Primary School in Kurrigram, Bangladesh.
We launched our new partnership in school with a special Bangladesh day. KS2 learnt about the History and Geography of the country during an assembly then were challenged to reseacrh more in class. KS1 enjoyed spending time making some flags and badges.
Y3 and Y5 looked at some typical art found in Bangladesh and tried to re-create their own versions.
Wendy, our school cook, made a wonderful themed lunch. The children loved sampling the international cuisine. We listen to traditional music while we ate too.
We look forward to finding out more about Bangladesh and working with our partner school in the future.
Connecting Classrooms Project
Through British Council funding we were able to become connected with schools in Nigeria and South Africa and formed Connecting Classrooms.
The project connects our school with two local Leeds schools (Iveson and Cookridge Primary) with three schools in South Africa and three in Nigeria.
Over a period of three years, three visits involving the nine schools took place.
Year 1 - Visit to the Leeds, UK
Year 2 - Visit to Cape Town, South Africa
Year 3 - Visit to Lagos, Nigeria
The schools took part in yearly global projects and worked collaboratively together.
Although, the project has now ended we will continue our links.