Homework expectations
Year 6 will be set homework twice a week: on Tuesday (due in on Friday) and Friday (due in on Tuesday). It will follow specific pages in the CP study guide books given to the children by the school.
Spellings will continue to be set and tested on Wednesdays.
The reason for this increase in homework is to help ready the children for high school. We will ensure that the homework is broken down into small manageable chunks, which the children can complete independently.
Summer 1 Spellings - Kestrels and Owls Summer 2 Spellings - Kestrels and OwlsWeek 1 - quick assessment (Due 04.06)
Crime and Punishment Immersive DayFor our new topic, Crime and Punishment, Year 6 have spent the day immersed in historical activities including: creating timelines, analysing key vocabulary and investigating a murder!