Yorkshire Wildlife ParkThe children had a fantastic day at the wildlife park.
Snow Day Work!Here is some Maths and English work for you to complete today! Enjoy the snow!!
Hakuna Matata
Our topic for this term is Hakuna Matata, the children will learn all about Africa and compare human and physcial features of Leeds to Nairobi, Kenya. The children will learn the different continents and oceans around the world. We also have an exciting trip planned to the Yorkshire Wildlife Park on the 15th March.
In English we will focus on different texts related to Africa. The children will have lots of opportunities to write and will focus on adjectives, different sentence structures and punctuation. Our first text is Meerkat Mail, the children will write a postcard from the character Sunny.
During this half term the children will focus on money, they will add totals together and find the change. After money the children will focus on the skill multiplication and division. Homework Here is the homework grid for the term. Maths homework will be set weekly.
Immersive Learning DayWe spent the day learning about Africa by creating traditional art patterns, tribal masks, exploring African food and playing different musical instruments.
Spellings Here are the spellings for the term.
Monotype Art The children learnt how create artwork using the monotype printing of African animals.
Writing BluebellsThe children wrote a postcard based on the story Meerkat Mail, they did a fantastic job.