This week, during our topic sessions we will be: developing observation skills,developing prediction, asking and answering how/why questions,offering explanations and making links,using specific but simple scientific vocabulary.
#Little Things Homework. Thank you for all of your fantastic homework that you have shared with us over recent weeks. Reception children have had lots of fun talking about the changes in the environment as they shared their Weather Diaries with peers.
As part of our Chinese New Year celebrations, we have been listening to the story The Great Race. Children enjoyed completing an independent maths challenge, during choosing time.
Today children have been learning composition of 6, 7 and 8. We explored the different ways to make these numbers and the children were challenged to find their matching pair.
Through the use of books in the classroom environment, children have been talking about various ways to stay healthy. “ You need to eat lots of fruit. That’s why we have snack time.” “ If you don’t get sleep you will be too tired”. “ You need to brush your teeth to keep them clean.Milk helps your bones”.
We have been working hard to use new vocabulary in different contexts. During our topic lessons , children are taught a new topic word, everyday. This is then displayed on our ‘Vocabulary Hoop’, to allow us to reflect and use those words throughout the week.
Today Reception children enjoyed learning how to join materials together, using split pins. We talked about the process and tools needed to reach the end product. “ I like that I can move the arms and legs. It is better than glue. The pins are strong”. “ I want to use these for next model. It will hold it it together”. “ I like the hole punch because it makes a hole. I didn’t know you can make a hole like that” “ You have to put the holes on top or the split pin won’t go through. It’s hard to open the other side”.
The children have had lots of fun learning about the different ways to travel the world. We have discussed how transport has changed and improved over time.” The plane doesn’t have any windows.You can’t fit many people in”.” I would find it hard to ride that old bike.It has one really big wheel.I like my bike now”.
This term we have been looking at similarities and differences between life in this country and life in other countries. Reception children have been working hard to learn new vocabulary to describe the contrasting locations around the world. During our story times, we have shared texts and video clips to bring the wider world into the classroom. Following the children’s interest of animals , we have looked at the five different types of habitats found on Earth.
During our maths lessons , we have been investigating length, weight and capacity. Reception children were asked to make and test predictions. “What if we pour the jugful into the bottle ? Which holds more?”
We have really enjoyed exploring a range of fiction and non - fiction books, linked to our current topic.
This term , Reception children have worked hard to create their very own Chatter Box for their homework. During Show and Tell sessions , the children have been encouraged to share the different techniques that they used to develop their creation. Thank you for your super homework.
During our maths lessons this week, we have been comparing numbers to 5 and learning number bonds to 5.The children enjoyed using the outdoors to take part in these lessons.
This term, Reception are taking part in a weekly music session with Mrs Smith. We have begun our lessons by learning to move in time to the pulse of the music. Throughout this term we will learn to; add sound effects to stories using instruments; interpret the sounds of instruments by distinguishing changes and learn how to play instruments with control to play-loud/quiet (dynamics) fast/slow (tempo).
Each week, Reception children take part in 4 key worker activities. The children work in small groups to ; visit the library, learn to build models using various materials and techniques, take part in a PSHE team build activity and have the opportunity to discuss key items or important events during in Show and Tell.
During our Gymnastics lessons , we have revised the fundamental movement skills: rolling, crawling, walking, jumping, running, hopping, skipping and climbing.This term Reception children are working hard to develop their balance by taking weight on different parts on their bodies. In recent weeks , the children have enjoyed working with partners to develop a set sequence. Vocabulary Focus: Tiptoes, waddling, walking, running, large steps, skipping, sideways, backwards, crawling, sliding, hopping, rolling, shuffling, slithering, jumping.nOver, under, through, on top, around, climb, balance, travel, move.
Phonics is taught daily, following the Read Write Inc programme. This term Reception children will continue to strengthen their reading skills by working on Set 1 and Set 2 sounds. Please see your child's book bag, to find information about the current sounds your child is learning.
During the Exploring Time our children are engaged in a wide variety of activities. Here are some pictures to show you what they have been doing!