Ireland Wood Primary School
Immerse, Inspire, Include

Statutory Information  »  Transition 2022  »  Archive 2020-21  »  Year 6 2020

 Welcome to Year 6! 
Miss Gayton (5G) Mrs Amos (5A)
Transition to Year 6

The Year 6 classrooms are situated in the new part of the building (one upstairs, one downstairs). Depending on which class your child is in, they may enter and leave from either the classroom door or the upper doors on the main playground (near the North Hall).

6A will enter through the 6A Class Door;  6G  will enter through the Upper Doors.
Start Time: 8.40am             Home Time: 3.00pm
This is for BOTH Y6 classes.

The Year 6 class teachers will be Mrs Amos and Miss Gayton

Your child will be set regular homework. We ask you to support your child in returning their work to school each week and signing their homework sheet. Even in Y6, the children are expected to read three times a week at home. Please record your child's reading in their reading diary. We will also be encouraging a 'Love of Reading' through other measures this year. It would be wonderful if you could help to foster this skill at home, too.  They also have a weekly spelling test (Weds), a weekly times table test and we encourage the children to take part in #IWPSlittlethings.
We are also attaching a book list which is really useful to have as your child makes his/her way through this final year at primary school.

In the meantime, if you have any questions or concerns, or even if your child would just like to say hi, please email us at
Here are a few pics of 6A's entry door - our classroom and an actual pic of the classroom.
For Mrs Amos's new class: 2020-2021

Here is your teacher!

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A little message from me (Miss Gayton) about September.

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Transition Booklet for future Y6s at Ireland Wood Primary
Reading Book list for Y5/6 children

The Summer holidays are a great time to catch up on some reading! Simply reading a book for pleasure, rather than 'because your teacher told you to'! Here is a comprehensive list of books you should be considering- no more Dahl or Walliams!