Transition to Year 3
The Year 3 classrooms are situated upstairs in the main building. Children will enter/leave from the doors which open into the main playground. In the morning we encourage children to make their own way up to the classroom. At the end of the day, please collect your child from the main playground doors where you child's class teacher will be waiting.
3P will enter through the North Entrance and 3H will enter through the South Entrance.
Start Time: 9.00am Home Time: 3.20pm
The Year 3 class teachers will be Mrs Paul and Miss Harper.
Your child will be set regular homework. We ask you to support your child and return the work to school. The children are expected to read three times a week at home. Please record your child's reading in their reading diary. They also have a weekly spelling test. We encourage the children to take part in #IWPSlittlethings.
In the meantime, if you have any questions or concerns, or even if your child would just like to say hi, please email us at