Ireland Wood Primary School
Immerse, Inspire, Include

Statutory Information  »  Transition 2022  »  Archive 2020-21  »  Reception Starters 2020  »  Summer Activities

           Please find below, some activities to support your child over the summer holidays.

adorable-sunshine-images-clip-art-free-sun-black-and-white-clipart ... 

Ireland Wood Rocks

Decorated Rocks to leave for others to find | Stone crafts, Happy ...

We would like to create a whole school kindness and positivity path round the scooter track but we need your help! Over the summer holidays I would like you to decorate at least one rock. The rock design must be either be based on kindness or positivity and could include a message on it.

Here is a story called ‘Only One You’  with some ideas.

Be a bucket dipper!

Have You Filled a Bucket Today? A Guide to Daily Happiness for ...

Based on the story Have You Filled Your Bucket Today?

Your challenge is to fill a bucket either by writing ideas down on a template or filling an actual bucket. Think about how can you can help others feel happy. Remember try not to be a bucket dipper, as you’ll never fill your own when you dip into someone else’s bucket. We can’t wait to receive them.


Ideas Jar

65 Creative Employee Reward Ideas (2020 Update)

Think back to when we couldn’t see anyone or visit places. What did you miss doing? Write your ideas in a jar and when you can’t think of an activity pull one out.

Hip Hop Bubble Writing

Using the videos below create your own Ireland Wood bubble writing with help from Phil.

PART 1 - Lettering (Creating block letters)  

PART 2 - Adding effects (Drop Shadow, 3D, Bubble background)

PART 3 - Colouring in (How to choose colour and use different fill-in techniques)

We can’t wait to see your final design!

Nature activities

The RSPB Wildlife Charity: Nature Reserves & Wildlife Conservation

Make an animal tracker

Find out what’s been out at night while you’ve been fast asleep!

Make a butterfly garden

Do you like sweets? Butterflies do too – sweet nectar, that is. Give butterflies a healthy sweet shop by growing plants that send them into a real flutter. Choose herbs – they are tough plants that produce lots of flowers and some can live for years.

Make a water tray that feeds itself

Just like us, birds need a drink. Here’s a clever way to give birds water – and your tray will keep topping itself up!

Make a bottle bird feeder

Here’s a neat thing for you to make… and the birds will like it too. Provide pencil perches for the perfect hanging feeder.

Make a bee house

Get buzzy. Build nesting places for the bees that don’t buzz (and don’t sting either).You can make this for tiny solitary bees to lay their eggs in. And ladybirds might use it as a place to sleep out the winter.


Mindfulness for Kids in their Everyday Routine - Mosswood

Starting with a few minutes and build up take part in a mindfulness activity. This could include a body scan or quiet moments in the house.

Other Useful Links!

Summer Reading Challenge
Summer Reading Challenge

Free summer of kindness pack:

Access to Home Learning tasks,home-learning#page-1


Please also check out for links to our recommended educational sites J