All of the staff at Ireland Wood have been sent this grid today - it is all about being kind to here it is. We thought you deserved to see it to. Be More Kind (especially to yourself). Love, Mrs A & Mrs S
WE have added a few different activities to update your worksheet. Hope you enjoy them!
Think back to the good old days of Year 5. What was better than Chess with Mr Mullens on a Thursday afternoon? Well, now you can recreate it in the luxury of your own home with FREE Gold access to Email and Mrs Georgeson will send you a log in.
You have a week off #iwps little things this week! Here is the task sheet again.
If you are lucky enough to have some flour and icing sugar in your house, why not take some time out of learning/gaming to make a special treat for your family? Could you leave a couple of these biscuits outside a neighbour's/grandparent's house as a treat, too? Enjoy!
This is a special version of #iwps little things for Shania and Rhys!
Here is an updated selection of activities to keep you learning now that term has started again. Try to complete one a day! If you can, take a pic and upload to our school twitter page, or try to record what you are doing in your Distance Learning Book.
There are two themes: Easter and Animals. (Please note the use of a colon here...!!)
Here are some ideas for teaching Science at home.