Last week an alien was spotted on the CCTV!
This week Year 2 have been astronauts on the moon. They explored how they would make food without gravity, they examined moon rocks and roamed the moon on their own lunar module.
Today Year 2 have travelled to the moon! When we heard our names we had to board the rocket. We laid down and we all felt nervous about the journey ahead of us. We realised that it is very uncomfortable on a rocket! When we got to the moon we had a challenge - to try and write! It wasn't easy to write upside down and some of us were worried we would get our pen licences taken off us in space!
We have been learning how to use a ruler and measure in centimetres and metres. We made paper aeroplanes and measured how far they travelled in metres and centimetres. We also measured regular and irregular shapes. We realised that we needed to count the pattern to order some irregular shapes. We also used a ruler to measure each side and added it up. We then found the perimeter of the shape! We also looked at shapes and estimated which was the biggest and which was the smallest. We also had fun measuring capacity . Unfortunately, quite alot of water ended up on our desks not in our containers!
Year 2 really enjoyed their trip to Magna! We learnt all about air, water, Earth and fire.
This morning Year 2 arrived in class to find a spaceship had landed in our classroom. There were footprints and the roof tile was broken! We still don't know how it got there?!
This week is health and safety week. In Year 2 we made healthy cheesecakes. We thought they were delicious!
Year 2 have enjoyed learning all about minibeasts and created their own fabulous creatures. They had fun making brilliant movies.
Minibeast IMovieToday Year 2 got to meet lots of interesting minibeasts as part of our topic. We were a bit scared when we got to touch or hold some of them.
The children have learnt a lot of new grammar this year. Here is a checklist with everything they have learnt.