Ireland Wood Primary School
Immerse, Inspire, Include

Pupils  »  Archive  »  Archive 2016-17  »  Year 1  »  Autumn

Shared Heritage

The children had great fun exploring the different cultures. Children learnt to write their name in Arabic, count to 5 and taste different foods from around the world.

Abbey House 1st December 2016

We are looking forward to our visit to Abbey House Museum where the children will learn all about toys through the past.
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Over the past few weeks we have been busy learning to form numbers and understand the value of a number.


These are the exciting texts we are using in English to practise fundamental skills of reading and writing. We are trying hard to use our phonic knowledge to segment and blend words and are working hard on our pencil grip to form letters correctly.  
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Autumn Newsletter

Find out what is happening in Year 1 during the Autumn term.


Click the links to find the homework webs for this half term. Remember.... Maths homework is compulsory, Topic homework is optional but children will earn team points for any completed tasks!

Phonics and Spelling
Our knowledge of phonics sounds and spelling rules are always growing. If you need help in articulating some of the phonics sounds your child has brought home, follow the link to watch the video!