Ireland Wood Primary School
Immerse, Inspire, Include

Pupils  »  Archive  »  Archive 2015-16  »  Year 4  »  Autumn

Charlie & the Chocolate Factory with Mrs Robinson!

We decided to spend our first day with Mrs Robinson, our Class Governor, by exploring Roald Dahl and particularly his fantastic book Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. We've been working hard doing lots of writing to do with this book, so it was really nice for the children to explore some dramatic and artistic activities throughout the morning. 4SP and 4C were thoroughly mixed up, and in the 4C classroom we painted some sunset scenes of the roof of Willy Wonka's factory, whilst in the 4SP classroom we explored different characters from Roald Dahl's stories. It was lovely to meet Mrs Robinson too. Mr Collins, Mrs Spruce and Mrs Park would like to thank her for her time and effort. In the afternoon, we continued on our theme of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by working on our collaging skills. Can you guess which character from the story is being collaged by one of our groups?

The Chocolate Story

Year 4 have already enjoyed a school trip to 'The Chocolate Story' in York. The children had an absolutely fantastic day and even got the chance to make their own chocolate lollies! This is part of our topic for the half-term: Where does chocolate come from? A big thanks to Mrs Spruce for organising such a tremendous trip.

Problem Solving

The children in Year 4 enjoy a weekly 'Problem Solving' lesson. This is a great opportunity for the children to work collaboratively and re-enforce and enhance their reasoning skills.

Welecome Back!

This year in Year 4 our members of staff are: Mr Collins, Mrs Spruce, Mrs Park, Mrs Johnson, Ms Urch, Mrs Somerfield, Miss Jones, Miss Senior.  We are also joined by Mrs Griffiths who helps with readers.

PE Days
Our PE days are Monday, Tuesday and Wednesdays but please bring PE kits in everyday. Kits should be clearly labelled with your child's name.

Homework will be given out every Friday and is expected to be returned the following Tuesday.
Spelling tests will take place across the whole school on Wednesdays. Please practise spellings with your child as this is an area of development this year.

Before the half-term break, we will be learning all about Chocolate (Where does Chocolate come from?)
After half-term, we will be learning about Sikhism (Is Sikhism like any other religion I know?)

If you have any issues or concerns, we have an 'open door policy' and welcome any parental feedback (first thing in the morning is always a good time to catch your child's class teacher).